reviewing every sunscreen i own
Welcome to the biggest blog post I've ever written haha! But for real though, sunscreen is such an essential product that so many people tend to skip so it's only right that this would be my longest post. One of the main reasons I hear for lack of application is that "it feels gross on my skin." I put together a review of (almost) every sunscreen I own to hopefully help you find your new favourite SPF that WON'T feel gross on your skin! It's so important to wear sunscreen EVERY SINGLE DAY! Not just in the summer! UV rays are present even when it's cloudy out and can be just as harmful. Personally, I like to wear at least SPF 40 because if I'm gonna apply sunscreen it might as well have a good level of protection. Reapplication is also super important to remember! You should be reapplying your SPF every 2 hours (more often if you're swimming or sweating). I tried to highlight which sunscreens I talked about are easiest to reapply (...